Fire Alchemy

a SOLSTICE community gathering of elemental transformation
June 18-22, 2025 | Ronora Lodge, Watervliet, MI
ALL bodies welcome to play, flow, experience, and connect!


transform your life into gold

Join Gaea Lady & The Fire Keepers for 4 days of play, flow, fire, connection & community


Fire Alchemy is a community gathering to connect you back to wholeness and transform your life into gold through fire dancing & flow arts.

Together, we create safe space for you to be yourself.

We see fire as a healing experience, an element that has great potential to change us and can serve as a guide in our self-healing when we approach it with that intention. By nourishing our connection to the elements, to nature, to ourselves, to our community, to the universe we leap from who you were to who you desire to be.

Fire is a powerful element.

When we as humans connect, move and dance with the fire, grounded in ritual, intention, and safety, we can enable our own capacity for healing using the fire as a sacred tool. In the Ignite Fire Keepers, we seek to co-create modern rituals involving fire & movement to ground and center us, creating impactful collective & individual moments to align us in our relationship with change. 

Fire roots us to the awareness of the present moment. 

It asks for our attention to be here now.  

Fire Alchemy is a gathering where all are welcome, regardless of any perceived barrier (such as age, experience, gender, culture, language, ability, wealth, race, blood type, etc.) We ask you to show up in the way you wish to be held, & hold others in community. We invite you to bring your whole self, respect all (including you), and honor consent in every interaction.

You belong here.


Event Details


Bring your friends, bring your partner(s), your parents, your joy, and leave judgement behind. This gathering combines fire, flow arts, play, nature, intention, ritual, and connection to create an elixir for wondrous transformation within ourselves. With focus on the seemingly magical process of alchemy, we collectively (re)remember we’re the gold we seek. 

We invite all bodies to play & participate. All levels of experience are gladly welcomed.

June 18-22, 2025

We begin Wednesday grounding in with play and connection - no classes. Arrive after 3p.

Wednesday AND Friday evening is our mandatory fire safety & consent meeting.

Thursday-Saturday are classes, renegade workshops, rituals, and late night fire jams.

Saturday night is the Prayerformance Fire Show (you’re invited to perform!)

Sunday morning close with our Integration Circle. Leave by 1pm.



Fire Alchemy will take place at a NEW LOCATION!

Ronora Lodge in Watervliet, Michigan is a 1.5-2 hour drive from downtown Chicago. (About the same as previous years). It will offer more privacy, comfier housing, and greater freedom for us all!


What to expect

Alchemy is a process of creation, transformation, and collaboration that seems to be magical but is actually real. Here, we turn the ordinary into the extra-ordinary.  (adapted from the Oxford Dictionary)

We embrace Play as the frequency of JOY!

Play is the fountain of youth, it is the foundation of wholeness, and it is wisdom embodied.  Our curious natures tap us into curiosity and wonder, which opens to receptivity. It rewires the patterns in our nervous systems and bodies. Through play with ourselves, others, flow toys, and fire we ignite our relationship with the joyful abundance frequency that fuels the universe. Please note, we will have some gear for you to try out, but bring your own gear if possible for spinning at nightly jams!

We co-create ritual each moment as a pathway to the sacred.

At Fire Alchemy we explore co-created modern day rituals to serve the constellation of the community that gathers. Ritual holds space to ground our collective human stories beyond the boundaries of culture, time, & space. Each night, we host a pre-fire jam ritual space hosted by the Fire Alchemy Keepers, and YOU are the most important part as the participant, co-creating with us and making it your own.

Fire Alchemy is rooted in creating COMMUNITY

Our 4 pillars are Belonging, Authenticity, Aligned Intention, and Oneness. Safety is the root in order to grow & shine.  We ask you to show up in the way you wish to be held, & hold others in community. We invite you to bring your whole self, respect all (including you), and honor consent in all ways. Witness and read the Reflection Blog from past year’s event for a taste!

  • into the Ignite Fire Keepers with our comprehensive Fire Safety Training - mandatory for all!

  • to tap into ecstatic flow states in classes and unstructured regengade workshops.

    Tennis, volleyball courts, and more are available!

  • in the Midwest Michigan Forests to clear and center your being.

  • Ronora is on a Nature Preserve with woodlands, meadows, wildlife, pristine pastures with horses.

    Dozens of bird species, carpets of wildflowers, ever changing landscape

  • at the secluded spring-fed lake for swimming, paddling & fishing.

  • with like-minded humans & forge new deep friendships that will last a lifetime.

  • Camp or stay in one of 10 houses! Limited private rooms available. All lodging has kitchens, common areas, and upgraded bathrooms. Some even have AC!

  • with daily fire & flow arts workshops focused towards technique, philosophy, movement, and creativity.

  • Limited gear will be available to borrow if you do not have your own. If you have extras, bring to share!

  • Weave intent into every moment.

  • all are welcomed! start thinking and rehearsing.

  • Apply to teach a class OR do a spur of the moment experience in our regengade workshops, held in the afternoons.

  • dinners are included weds-sat!


Tickets for Weds- Sun. limited WEEKEND TICKETS AVAILABLE June 1.

Tiers allow accessibility

  • 4 ticket levels allow accessiblity of mulitiple income levels. We encourage you to purchase at the level you can afford, to help all be able to come.

  • There will be limited number of all level prices, especially the lowest tier. We look to sell 60 tickets (15 for each level) to cover our costs of rental, production, workshop leader stipends, supplies, and fees.

  • Camp or stay in a house on site. All campers will have access to bathrooms and kitchens in a house.

Scholarships & Donations

  • Donate to our scholarship fund on the ticketing page

  • Gift a voucher towards a ticket under “gift certificates” to ask family and friends to help get you there.

  • Apply for a scholarship (form opens in 2025)

  • A May FUNDRAISER Fire Keeper Prayerformance Cabaret will help to raise money for scholarships! Held at the Newport Theater, we need your help to produce, perform, attend, and share the word! more info in 2025.

Dinner is included in ALL 2025 ticket tiers.

All breakfasts and lunches are on your own - each house has a full kitchen! Campers will have access to a common area, bathroom, and kitchen.

DIY Ride Shares self-organized on a whatsapp group (after you get your ticket)


faq from 2024

 Are you ready to transform your life into gold?

Want to share your gifts with the community? Submit a community offering/workshop (opens in 2025)

Fire Alchemy Past Event Highlights!

Follow us on Instagram for 2023-2024 images and Fire Keeper Stories!

Fire Alchemy 2022 Highlights

Recap 2021 Fire Alchemy Gathering! Video by Eric Formato